Integration - The needs of the whole person and whole community within their environment are considered.
Integrity - We are dedicated to high ethical and moral standards and uncompromising honesty in our dealings with the public and each other.
Innovation - We are open to change and willing to try new ways to fulfill the organization's vision, mission, and goals more effectively. New ideas and approaches are welcome and risk taking is common.
Initiative - We believe there is too much suffering in this world to sit back and wait to be told to do something. We will work hard to achieve the task of a traffic free world.
Sacrifice - Going the extra mile and doing whatever it takes to serve both individuals and the communities with whom we work.
Excellence - Have a responsibility to the community, the city, and to each other so that whatever we do, we do it to the best of our ability.
Apart from this we also believe in practicing Accountability, Good Stewardship and maintaining a Work-Life Balance among others in our lifestyles.
Integration - The needs of the whole person and whole community within their environment are considered.
Integrity - We are dedicated to high ethical and moral standards and uncompromising honesty in our dealings with the public and each other.
Innovation - We are open to change and willing to try new ways to fulfill the organization's vision, mission, and goals more effectively. New ideas and approaches are welcome and risk taking is common.
Initiative - We believe there is too much suffering in this world to sit back and wait to be told to do something. We will work hard to achieve the task of a traffic free world.
Sacrifice - Going the extra mile and doing whatever it takes to serve both individuals and the communities with whom we work.
Excellence - Have a responsibility to the community, the city, and to each other so that whatever we do, we do it to the best of our ability.
Apart from this we also believe in practicing Accountability, Good Stewardship and maintaining a Work-Life Balance among others in our lifestyles.
The outcomes broadly expected in relation to prevention are:
Reduced vulnerability of potential victims of human trafficking in source areas (through Awareness, facilitating education & livelihoods, social enterprise, holistic care)
Increased risk to traffickers in transit routes (through legislation, pre-sale rescue, convictions, harsher punishments)
Lower demand for the goods and services of modern-day slaves in destinations (through prosecuting users, education)
The program meets standards of good practice. The whole purpose of Purnata is not to deal with symptoms but dealing with root causes bringing systemic change - reduce/end human trafficking by reducing supply and demand. Purnata attempts to establish a model that demonstrates potential for replication and will also have various stages in ensuring that indicator based progress is made in the interventions to prevent and bring an end to human trafficking. Though our vision is to see a total end to it, as long as there is greed and lust in the hearts of men and women, it will survive. However, we can strangle it, thwart it, reduce it and break its back. That can be done through a holistic & collaborative approach.
Our approach is:
Holistic means that we work in a way that treats a person as a whole person – socially, emotionally, physically, and spiritually – and that our programs reflect this.
Human trafficking is too large for any one organization or even the government on its own to tackle it. The approach is to work with the civil society agencies, joining hands in collaboration. It means we have to rise above our petty differences and work together. We need to strengthen each other’s hands. We need to stop reinventing the wheel and use the expertise and strengths that we all have. We need to be more open and share our resources so that others could do their work well.
Leverage the arts.
In carrying out its mission, Purnata will increase the knowledge and awareness of human trafficking using the arts in its various forms both to deliver our program as well as to help local communities protect their arts while finding opportunity to benefit by it.
Technological advances.
In carrying out its mission, Purnata will increase the knowledge and awareness on human trafficking using the technology with government and civil society to promote/foster effective rights-based (survivor-centered), multi-disciplinary and collaborative community responses, and build and develop capacity of government and civil society to prevent, combat and foster collaborative responses against human trafficking.
FY 2014 - 15
FY 2015 - 16
FY 2016 - 17
FY 2017 - 18
FY 2018 - 19
FY 2019 - 20
FY 2020 - 21
FY 2021 - 22