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We began an outreach program - ASHRAY - in one of the red light area’s of Mumbai.


The Drop-In-Center, a specific unit of ASHRAY, caters to the women of the area. Most of them are victims of human trafficking. Purnata hopes that by building relationships and providing these women opportunities through trainings and various events where they can learn and enhance life skills, they will consider moving on to a better and respectable future.


Another unit of ASHRAY is the Day Care Center. This aims to provide children in the area an opportunity to restore their childhood,  offering protection from their vulnerable surroundings, access to quality education, a nutritious feeding program and regular activities to promote hygiene & good health.


Critical to Purnata's work is our Prevention and Rescue efforts alongside the concerned state and law enforcement agencies covering source areas, transit routes, and destination.


Our Prevention strategy aims to reduce the vulnerability of potential victims of human trafficking in source areas, increase the risk to traffickers in transit routes, and decrease the demand for goods and services in destinations.


Purnata works alongside concerned state and law enforcement agencies to create a higher risk for traffickers in transit routes to ensure safe and regulated migration. Our teams do surveillance at major railway stations in Mumbai and rescue children in transit at railway stations & other Nodal points. Currently this has begun in Mumbai and we expect to start next year in Kolkata.


Purnata's Rehabilitation Home initially based in Vasai on the outskirts of Mumbai, but now moved closer to the training center at Asalpha, provides safe housing, food, clothing and healthcare to victims of trafficking who desire to come out of the red light areas and equip themselves with skills to live an independent life.


Purnata's Training Center located in Asalpha, Mumbai, runs a short term (six months) formal literacy program apart from imparting life skills, literacy and livelihood trainings preparing trainees to integrate into society and live independent lives.

Contact Us

Saki Naka, Andheri East, Mumbai 400072

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Society Registration No. (under Societies Registration Act, 1860), GBBSD 1653 (Maharashtra), 

Trust Registration No. (Under Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950)F-60329 (Mumbai)

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