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Human Trafficking is an organized crime and one of the gravest violations of Human Rights transgressing boundaries of official jurisdictions and other man made restrictions of time and space. The list of traffickers and exploiters is too crowded. 


Human trafficking (HT) is a crime that often goes underreported due to its covert nature, various misconceptions about its definition, and a lack of awareness about its indicators on the local level. 


Poverty, loss of traditional sources of livelihood, growing unemployment, forced migration, religious & superstitious beliefs, children being viewed as commodities and growing consumerism resulting from globalisation have all contributed to the increase of child trafficking.


More often, victims remain unnoticed, un-cared for and not addressed. General masses are by and large unconcerned because they are unaware of the extent, dimensions and implications of human trafficking. 


HT is a transnational criminal enterprise that recognizes neither boundaries nor borders. Profits from trafficking feed the coffers of organized crime. Due to the complexity of this crime any approach to tackle it also will tend to be complex.


Most girls who are trafficked are tricked, lied to, and exploited.  The traffickers know the profiles of the vulnerable population, and take full advantage of hopelessness in many people’s lives.  


Not only permits but, promotes and perpetuates human trafficking and gives a free hand to the traffickers to continue with impunity their merchandise of human suffering.


Trafficking has serious criminal ramifications for all who are involved directly and indirectly with particularly severe effects on the victims of trafficking. Any business is about demand and supply. Usually the destination is where the demand is. The source is where the supply is. Between the source and destination are the transit routes where also abuse happens.


Exploitation is seen in various ways – agricultural labour, bonded labour, domestic servitude, begging, organ trade, forced prostitution, entertainment, forced marriages, and child soldiers. Bonded labour and child marriages are a peculiarity of India.

Behind these numbers and Facts are faces and names. Every statistic represents a real person who longs to live with dignity and hope. 

1out of 100

victims of trafficking is rescued



In India, 90% are those trafficked are domestic (intrastate and interstate) with 10% across international borders.

India's sex industry is about 

million strong 


>20% are children under age 16

According to a study done by ECPAT the average age of a trafficked girl has steadily fallen from 14 to 16 years to 10 to 14 years. 

billion USD business


Trafficking in Persons (TIP) is a 9 billion USD business in India and perhaps the fastest growing illegal trade in the world. 


About 40% are children

A CBI statement said that studies and surveys sponsored by the ministry of women and child development estimated that about 40% of all India's prostitutes are children.

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